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Technical inspection for new long-distance trains

Stadler has been in Norway for a technical inspection of the Nordland Line for the new long-distance trains.


Norske tog has ordered new long-distance trains from the Swiss train manufacturer Stadler, which will replace existing locomotives and carriages on all long-distance train routes in Norway.

As part of the design process, Stadler recently carried out a technical inspection on the Nordland Line, together with representatives from Norske tog and SJ.

- Stadler tailors the trains to Norwegian conditions. To do this, they must have in-depth knowledge of the routes and the challenges the trains will face. That's why we're conducting this inspection, says Sille Svenkerud Førner, project manager for long-distance train procurement at Norske tog.

The new long-distance trains ordered so far will be put into service on the Dovre Line, Bergen Line, Sørland Line and Nordland Line. Technical inspections are being carried out on all the lines that will receive the new trains.

- The inspection has given Stadler valuable insight into the challenges along the route, such as the transition from wet to cold climate and ice formation on the train. This helps to fine-tune the trains for the best possible adaptation to Norwegian conditions, says Førner.