Class 69 - H series
Motor coaches
Class 69H is an electric motor coach consisting of three carriages with traction on one of the carriages.
The train sets are produced by Strømmen Værksted and NEBB. In total, 69H consist of 10 trainsets originally produced and delivered as 69D in 1983-1984. The middle carriage was produced and retrofitted between 1987-1988.
The trainsets were upgraded with a new interior standard between 2015-2017, and the train sets were then renamed to 69H.
The train sets accelerate quickly and has large passenger capacity.
Class 69 was the first train type in Norway with thyristor control for current regulation with central coupling.

Strømmen Værksted/NEBB/ABB
1983 – 1984
- Facilities
- Performance
- Technicals specifications
Sitteplasser komfort/1.klasse | 0 |
Sitteplasser standard/2.klasse | 239 |
Ståplasser, antall. Klappseter i bruk | 276 |
Ståplassareal, klappseter ikke i bruk | 69 |
Klappseter (folde og klapp) | 1 |
Rullestolplasser | 1 |
Rullestolheis | 0 |
Sykkelplasser | 0 |
Soveplasser | 0 |
Sovekupeer | 0 |
Toalett (lukket system) | 0 |
Toalett (åpent system) | 1 |
HC-toalett | 0 |
Famileavdeling, antall plasser | 0 |
Resturant (antall plasser) | 0 |
Betjent kiosk | 0 |
Automat | 0 |
Informasjonssystem | Nei |
WIFI | Nei |
HVAC for passasjerer | Nei |
APC | Nei |
Trygghetskamera | 0 |
Antall etasjer | Single |
Førerrom | Ja |
Overstyring av nødbrems | Nei |
Krenging | Nei |
Antall dører | 6 |
Maks døravstand (plattform-lengde) | 63198 mm |
Samlet dørbredde | 6840 mm |
Høyde inngangstrinn | 747 mm |
Laveste stigtrinn | 747 mm |
Innvendig bredde overgang | 788 mm |
Sist oppdatert 04.10.2024